31-37 Murray Street, Wentworth, NSW 2648

Fees & Charges

Discover Murray House’s fees for aged care. We offer transparent pricing for basic care, means testing & accommodation.

Residential Aged Care
Fees and Charges

It’s important to understand the fees and charges that are applicable when accessing aged care. There are a number of factors which influence the amount of money a resident pays to live in aged care and a specialist financial adviser might be the best place to offer this advice.

From the 1st July 2014, people moving into aged care can be asked to pay a basic fee, a means tested care fee based on assets and income, and an accommodation payment.

Fees and Charges from the 20th September 2024

Basic Fee

A basic fee is paid by all people who receive residential care, currently $63.57. This rate may vary on review by the Australian Government.

Means Tested Care Fee

A means tested care fee is an extra contribution toward the cost of care that residents may need to pay on top of the basic fee depending on income and assets. Annual and lifetime caps have been set to limit how much a person will need to pay in means tested care fees. The annual cap is $34,174.16. The lifetime cap is $82,018.15.

Accommodation Payment

An accommodation payment is a payment for accommodation in an aged care home. Some people will have their accommodation payments paid in full or in part by the Australian Government and others will need to pay the accommodation price they negotiate with Murray House.

Types of Fees Chargeable by Income and Assets Levels

Assessable assets of $61,500 or less and an income of less than $33,735. Resident pays the basic fee only.

Assessable assets of between $61,500 and $206,039.20 and an income of $33,735 or more. Resident pays the basic fee plus an accommodation contribution.

Assessable assets greater than $206,039.20. Resident pays the basic daily fee, an accommodation payment and a means tested care fee.

The maximum price Murray House charges at present for permanent care is $325,000 for standard rooms and $350,000 for bigger rooms, and can be paid either as a RAD, a DAP or combination of either. There are 60 standard rooms and 5 bigger rooms. The resident has up to 28 days after admission to decide the method of payment and until that decision is made, payment will be a DAP. The RAD is fully repaid when the resident vacates Murray House. The DAP is calculated at 8.38%, the current maximum permissible interest rate (MPIR) on the balance of the accommodation deposit after the amount of the RAD is determined and paid. Arrangements can be made to pay the DAP from the RAD but the DAP will be recalculated monthly to compensate Murray House for loss of interest revenue on the RAD.

RAD = Refundable Accommodation Deposit
DAP = Daily Accommodation Deposit

Resident Assessable Assets $360,000.00
Required Minimum Assets to be Retained $61,500.00
Assets Available for RAD $298,500.00
Maximum Accommodation Price for standard rooms $325,000

a) The resident chooses to pay a RAD equal to the maximum price
The full amount of the RAD paid is refunded to the resident or estate on departure

b) The resident chooses to pay the whole accommodation price as a DAP
DAP payable is $74.61 per day
Accommodation Price x MPIR / 365 = ($325,000 x 8.38% / 365)

c) The resident chooses to pay the accommodation price by 50% RAD and 50% DAP
RAD paid $162,500
DAP therefore is $37.31 [($325,000 – $162,500) x 8.38% / 365 ]

If the DAP is paid from the RAD this would reduce the RAD by $37.31 per day and the DAP would be recalculated monthly

Resident Assessable Assets $200,000.00
Required Minimum Assets to be Retained $61,500.00
Assets Available for RAD $138,500.00
Maximum Accommodation Price for standard rooms $325,000.00

a) The resident chooses to pay the whole accommodation price by DAP
The DAP payable is $74.61 per day ($325,000 x 8.38% / 365)

b) The resident chooses to pay the accommodation price by 40% RAD and 60% DAP
The RAD is $130,000.00
The DAP payable is $44.77 per day [($325,000 – $130,000) x 8.38% / 365]

If in examples a) and b) the DAP is paid from the RAD thereby reducing the RAD held by Murray House, the DAP will be recalculated monthly.

Regardless of your financial situation you and your family are encouraged to seek financial advice concerning your entry into Murray House and there are companies locally who specialise in Aged Care services should you wish to use them.

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